Reprocessing as L-RGB (L=G)
Inspired by some forum-discussions and unexpected clear skies I tried
some real RGB filtered Saturn captures with my ICX098BL
B/W ToUcam. The bunch of filters used is no matched RGB filter set
but ok for some first investigations. Seeing has been below average with
quite stable moments inbetween.
The results are very promising taking seeing, low Saturn altitude and
improvised setup into consideration. The R and G filters delivered excellent
image sharpness. The blue filtered capture is less sharp and shows signs
of ghost images in all frames - presumably IR light leaked into the blue-capture
decreasing image quality (-> usage
of IR-cut filters) and light of shorter wavelength is more sensitive
to seeing influences (-> bandpassfilters
in planetary b/w imaging). To verify the IR-pass characteristic of
the blue filter used for the capture I conducted some pragmatic
filter tests. Obviously the blue filter leaks IR and caused the ghost-image.
Next tests will include an additional IR-cutfilter. To my surprise the
green channel has not been affected noticably by IR leakage of the filter
To avoid the deformed blue channel I processed a color version using an
artificial blue channel created out of the R and B channel to judge the
potential of 3 good color channels.
A good raw frame of the R-channel (few of this quality):