Losmandy GM-8Technical data: Mount type: Equatorial mount with motorized RA and DEC axis
PolarfinderOne highlight of the Losmandy mounts is the optional polar-finder. Polar aligning the GM-8 is a real treat and reliably done within minutes. The finder includes engravings for northern and southern hemisphere which are illuminated by a red LED. The only drawback is the flimsy external battery pouch attached by a thin cable. This doesn't fit the well thought concept and great build quality of the Losmandy mounts at all !
Polar alignment for northern hemisphereFirst set up the tripod with the water-levels with polaris roughly visible
in the polar finder. Rotate the polar finder so that the Big Dipper and
Cassiopeia symbols point in direction of the respective constellation
- the constellations themself are not visisble in the finder. Now place
Polaris(alpha-UMI, mag 2.02), delta-UMI (mag 4.36) and 51 Cepheus (if
visible) in the corresponding gaps by adjusting azimuth and elevation
and rotating the polar finder. The correct positions for 1990, 2000 and
2010 are marked in the finder, interploate the position of the current
date between them.