Imaging Source DMK 21AF04.AS
Camera review for solar system imaging Page 3- DMK 21AF04.AS
All ImagingSource astrocameras come with drivers for Windows 2000 &
XP (it's reported they work with Vista) and the capture software solution
IC Capture.AS for Windows (currently in version 2.0) with a free license
for ImagingSource cameras included. Nevertheless the IEEE 1394a &
IIDC/DCAM 1.31 standard interface of the camera should make image &
video capture with any software & OS supporting the standards possible
(e.g. Coriander for Linux or Astro IIDC for Mac OS).

IC Capture.AS 2.0 main screen - click image for original
IC Capture can show a live preview of the camera signal,
record single images (BMP or JPEG), sequences of single images and movies
as AVIs. AVIs can be saved with all codecs installed in the system, uncompressed
lossless codecs like Y800 should be prefered for astro applications. All
camera properties can be controlled within the software. The ROI (region
of interest) properties can be controlled very comfortably. One highlight
of the software is the very appreciated live histogram with different
display modes, color channels can be displayed separately for color cameras.
The software offers a complete package for effective planetary
imaging - much appreciated that the software is included with any ImagingSource
Only some minor complaints from my side:
- Changing the AVI capture file requires navigating through 2 subwindows,
the target file cannot be changed quickly in the main window
- No overlays like a crosshair, grid etc. in the preview window