Saturn 2004.02.29

Conditions have been fairly good seeingwise and I've been able to capture my best Saturn images so far. Transparancy suffered under high altitude haze illuminated by the moon near to Saturn and resulted in slightly more noisy AVIs due to more camera gain. The following images represent the best 2 of 8 AVIs of the session. Processing/sharpening has been performed conservatively to preserve the faint C-ring

AVI 6, color corrected to come close to the "real" Saturn colors.

AVI 7, less color correction showing the incorrect white balance at capturing.

New processing variant using a real unsharp mask

All images:
Vixen VMC200L
Losmandy GM-8
TeleVue 3x Barlow
Philips ToUCam 740 @10frames/s 640x480pixels
No UV/IR blocking filter